We know that Java is a versatile programming language. It offers platform independent, simple, secure, architecture-neutral, portable, robust, etc. Sometimes the students in university or colleges can’t just grasp them at once. The students are given assignments from those chapters which are difficult to solve within the short period of time. Thus, sometimes students get frustrated over those assignments and start working on those assignments and eventually they forget about their studies. They fail in the final exam. Here I’m pointing out those important chapters in Java, where students need to focus very carefully to solve that kind of java assignment. But instead of calling them tough, I would call them complicated. The usage of Anonymous Classes, understanding of JVM Memory Allocation along with the parts. There are multithreading concepts. There is apt implementation of Synchronization and Serialization. There is usage of Vectors and Matrix. We came to know about the Static Implementations

Complicated Chapter from Java
1. Exception Handling:
In my opinion, this is a complicated chapter in java. If you understand well, then you will know this chapter. It includes an exception that is an abnormal condition. It can happen during execution time of a code. If these exceptions are not prevented or at least handled properly, either the program will be aborted abnormally, or the incorrect result will be shown. In conventional programming languages like C, Pascal, exception handling is overhead of programmer to make the program robust by adding if statement and error-handler routine. It makes programs quite complicated. Java programmers are released from this overhead by exception handling mechanism in Java. If students don’t understand the chapter properly, then they can take help from the web for their java assignments. But the students need to understand properly for solving questions.
2. Java Generics:
It is the second most complicated chapter from Java. If you understand properly, then you can code efficiently. Generics are basically used for making compile-time safety, which allows the programmer to catch error types while compiling the code. Java Generics helps the programmer to reuse the code as per the desire of the programmer. For example, a programmer writes a generic method for sorting an array of objects. In general, generics allow the programmer for the types of classes and interfaces. They are going to be parameters when defining classes, interfaces and methods. There are formal parameters used in method declarations, type parameters provide a way for re-using the same code for different inputs. Choosing this chapter for assignment will help the students to understand the concepts of Java Programming.

3. Concurrency in Java:
The third one is Concurrency in Java. Concurrency unlocks the programmer’s code to run multiple programs or multiple parts of a program in parallel. If a time consuming task can be performed asynchronously, this will improve the throughput and the interactivity of any program. A modern computer has several CPU's or several cores within one CPU. The capacity to hold these multi-cores can be the key for a high-volume application process. Sometimes understanding concurrency is a tiresome process for students. If the assignment is huge, how can the students study those subjects, and eventually put functions in real life programs. While studying this chapter can create frustration among students, they rely on online java assignment help.
4. Basic I/O in Java:
It is the fourth complicated chapter that I always used to get confused while I studied. Basically I/O consists of Java input and output is an important concept while working on Java programming. It consists of elements such as input, output and stream. The input is the data that the user gives to the program. The output is the data that users receive from the program in the form of results. Stream represents flow of data or the sequence of data. To give input users use the input stream and to give output users use the output stream. This chapter is quite important for the students who are studying Java programming to improve their skills. With this, they efficiently use the data in the program for input with any abruption or error.
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