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Operators in C Programming Language

Writer: JacobJacob

C has been general-purpose along with strong language for computer programming. It had provided guidance in structured programming. The students get assistance in lexical variable scope along with recursion. There is static type system which stops the different unintended operations.

C has been created by Dennis Ritchie from 1969 to 1973. The creation took place at Bell Labs. They were utilized for re-implementing Unix operating system. The programming languages has been utilized significantly most of the time. There were C compilers from different vendors found in most of the present computer architectures along with operating systems. You can get important information on Effective Method Solving C Programming Projects.

Methods of Finding Solution in C Programming Projects

The student can check different aspects of a particular program.

  • The initial line of that program # include <stdio.h> has been preprocessor command. The C compiler has been informed to add stdio.h file prior to reaching the true compilation.

  • Next line int main() has been the primary function and at this point, the program execution starts.

  • /*...*/ is in the next line. It is going to be ignored via compiler. The goal is to provide extra comments in program.

  • Next line printf(...) has been different function found in C writing message like "Hello, World!" which is shown over screen.

  • Subsequently return 0; ends main() function and then coming back value 0.

You need to examine the method of saving source code within the file, and method of compiling and running it. We have certain steps −

  • Start that text editor and provide code.

  • Name file in the form of hello.c

  • Start command prompt and move towards directory where you get file in saved form.

  • Share gcc hello.c and use enter for code compilation.

  • Those who do not have errors in code, command prompt are going to resume upcoming line. It is going to create a.out executable file.

  • At present, you have to type a.out for carrying out that program.

  • You will see the output "Hello World" printed on the screen.

Ensure gcc compiler is within path and the user has been going on within directory having source file named hello.c. The blog discusses about Important Terms of C Programming.

For the C program, semicolon has been statement terminator. For this reason, the statement has ended using semicolon. It shows the last part of a particular logical entity.

printf("Hello, World! \n");

return 0;

The C identifier has been the name utilized to point out the function, variable, or item pointed out by the user. The identifier begins with letter starting from A to Z, then a to z. Alternatively, it might be underscore '_' then zero or any other letters, digits (0 to 9) or underscores.

What are Bitwise Operators?

The table shows Bitwise operators guided by C. Take for instance, variable 'A' have 60 and variable 'B' has 13, subsequently,

& represents Binary AND Operator which had copied some part in result when it is present in operands.

(A & B) = 12, i.e., 0000 1100

^ represents Binary XOR Operator which had copied some part when this had been set in a particular operand but they are not two parts. The students can get information on bitwise operators in c.

(A ^ B) = 49, i.e., 0011 0001

Important Tips on Conditional Operator

The conditional operator has been a statement of single programming and on the other hand, 'if-else' statement has been programming block where the statements had come below parenthesis. The conditional operator could be utilized for allotting the value to that variable. On the other hand, the 'if-else' statement could not be utilized for the goal of assignment. You can ask for best c programming homework help via live chat!

Tips for Ternary Operator

Conditional operator has been identified as the ternary operator. Conditional statements represents decision-making statements and it relies on output of that expression. It has been shown by two symbols, ':' and '?'. You can get vital suggestions on ternary operator in c.

The conditional operator is engaged with three operands. This has been identified as ternary operator.

It is a behavior of conditional operator which has been associated with 'if-else' statement when 'if-else' statement has been statement for decision-making. You can get guidance in different types of operators in c.

Major Features of Modulus Operator

Modulo operator has been represented by %, which is the arithmetic operator. Modulo division operator offers last part of integer division. You can get complete assistance in modulus operator in c.

Syntax informs us at the time y and x are integers, then we got that expression.

Return Value:

When y has been divided by x completely, the outcome of expression has been 0.

  • When x could not be divided completely by y, subsequently result is going to be remainder in range having 1, x-1.

  • When x has been 0, then 0 is used to divide which has been compile-time error. You can get explanation of assignment operators in c.

Modulo operator had certain limitations or restrictions.

There is a % operator which could not be applied in floating-point numbers which is double or float. Those who would like to try using modulo operator having variables or floating-point constants.


What are the arithmetic operators in C?

C Arithmetic operators will be utilized to carry out mathematical calculations e.g., addition, multiplication, subtraction, modulus, division in C programs.

What does * mean in C?

On the basis of position in program, “*” symbol indicate three aspects and they are Multiply, declaring pointer and Dereference a pointer or indirection operator. The writer can get tips on conditional operator in c.

What does != Mean in C?

A not-equal-to operator ( != ) had returned true when operands does not possess similar value. On the other hand, it becomes false.

What does %d mean in C?

The C programming language includes %d and %i which were format specifiers. The reason is that %d indicates a form of variable in the form of decimal and %i indicating the form in the form of integer. As usage terms, we do not find any difference in our printf() function output at the time of printing the number with the help of %d or %i rather utilizing scanf there is a difference.

What is the difference between & and * in C?

The & has been unary operator in C and it had returned memory address of a passed operand. It has been identified in the form of address of an operator. The * has been unary operator and it had returned the importance of object stated by the pointer variable.

What does * and & mean in C?

The & indicates address-of, you are going to observe placeholders for the functions to change parameter variable in the form of C, where the parameter variables have qualified by means of value, with the help of ampersand indicating pass by reference. * indicates dereference of the pointer variable. It indicates value of a particular pointer variable. The student gets guidance in special operators in c below.

What are the special operators in C?

OperatorsDescription&This is used to get the address of a particular variable. For instance: &a is going to provide address of a.*It has been utilized in the form of pointer for any variable. For instance : * a where, * is pointer for a particular variable a.Sizeof ()It offers size of a particular variable. For example, size of (char) is going to provide us 1.

What is operator and its types?

The operators in C++ and C represents tools utilized to carry out the mathematical operations associated with the logical, arithmetic, bitwise and conditional operations.

Arithmetic Operators

It consists of fundamental arithmetic operations e.g., subtraction, addition, multiplication, modulus operations, division, decrement, and increment.

Relational Operators

They have been utilized for comparing two numbers by examining whether they have been equal or not, lesser than, lesser than or same as, more than, more than or same as.

Logical Operators

It indicates the boolean values and they were expressed in the form:

  • The Binary logical operations consists of two variables where you find AND and OR

  • In the Unary logical operation, you are getting NOT.

Assignment Operators

They have been utilized to allot specific value in the variable. We are going to talk about it in great detail with the notations in shorthand.

Bitwise Operators

They were made on the basis of performing operations principle slowly which has been boolean algebra. It improves processing speed and therefore speed of program.

Miscellaneous Operators

Other than the operators mentioned above, we have some operators coming under that category consists of sizeof along with ternary or conditional operators.

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