Spanish people admire food. Actually, Spaniard had taken a lot of food within the day compared to majority of people in United States of America. The time is consumed in eating and spreading meals in the day. Spanish people walk between their meals.

Understanding The Amazing Food Culture in Spain
Breakfast or El Desayuno
The breakfast in Spain is known as el desayuno, which has been the smallest meal of the special day. This has been light and similar to the continental breakfast. The food culture in Spain is quite interesting.
The breakfast typically consists of cafe con leche. This coffee is strong with frothy and hot milk. There are bollos, which are sweet rolls and jam is applied to it. There is a toast coated with mild cheese or jam. The crackers of "Maria" have been dipped in the hot milk. The magdalenas are lemony and sweet. These are found in the bakery of the neighborhood. This is quite common and it is quite economical for buying bags of fluffy, petite cakes. These cakes are petite and they are obtained in supermarkets. The expert offers tips on Spanish eating customs.
The breakfast in Spain has been taken at home. Prior to dashing off to the school or work place, it is important to understand properly. There are workers who enter a cafeteria nearby approximately 10 a.m. to get the coffee break at the mid-morning. The writer provides guidance on Spanish meal times.
Little Meals or Tapas
Tapas have been taken well after breakfast and prior to the mid-afternoon lunch. They have been given small plates e.g., finger food or canapés. It might be the cold or warm dishes. The tapas had varied significantly from area to another and from one season to the other one.
Get Acquainted with Spain Food
The Tapas time consists of bar-hopping for tasting chat and wine. The tapa has been ordered at every stop. At this moment, it involves socializing with neighbors and friends because of the standard of food. This is not strange for the friends who get circuit regularly through meeting in the chosen bars. You can get the best idea about Spain food.
We have come across a wide range of tapas. Popular tapas consist of tortilla Espanola which is the omelet in Spanish language. It is also known as the tortilla de patata. In other words, it is potato omelet. The patatas bravas is the potatoes having brava sauce. This brava sauce is quite spicy. The gamas al ajillo is the shrimp within the garlic sauce.
Lunch or La Comida
The la comida is the midday meal in Spanish language. It is the top meal of a particular day. This is the top meal and it consists of different courses along with the wine. You can get authentic information about the lunch in Spain.
The Spanish lunches have been quite large and there are alternate courses. The Italians can be compared with the Spanish people. The Spaniards have faith in consuming time and having meals. For this reason, the lunch is going to work for one hour and half.
The Spaniards take the break for 2 to 3 hours from their school or work for enjoying the lunch. They have taken a siesta or short nap. The country shuts down the shop from 1:30 till 4:30 p.m.
A tradition known as siesta can be dated several centuries from days when majority of people had worked using agriculture. There was no existence of air conditioning. We can easily understand the reason behind the requirement of the fuel from the large meal and the remaining part of Spanish sun prior to the work. In Spain, everyone enjoyed the break in the afternoon. It ranges from the kids going to the school to the shop workers along with the officials of government.
Majority of the Spaniards had enjoyed the break along with the large meal. But the lifestyle in Spain has been changing. Barcelona and Madrid are big cities in Spain. More than an hour is spent by people travelling to work and returning from their work. They cannot go home for their siesta and meal. In Madrid, the employees of the Spanish government had worked eight-hour days and took the lunch break of one hour.
Snack or La Merienda
In Spain, the snack of the late afternoon is known as la merienda. This is important as we have 5 or 6 hours between dinner and lunch. La merienda has been essential for the children and they get plenty of energy for playing soccer in streets and different types of entertainment. Spanish homework help share valuable information on foods in Spain.
Dinner or La Cena
Dinner is the light meal compared to lunch. This has been taken between 9 p.m. and midnight. At dinner, the portions have been served. They are quite small along with the plates which are quite simple. The dinner consists of seafood or fresh fish. There might be a part of the roasted chicken. The lamb along with rice or fried potatoes have been served. There is fish and omelet mixed with the green salad at side.
After Dinner
The churros will be accompanied with hot chocolate and it is a chosen drink. In Spain, chocolate is quite familiar than the United States of America. It cannot be compared with the Mexican chocolate. It contains cinnamon and different flavors. The Spanish hot chocolate is quite thick and hot. If you want to know about Spanish essay topic, you can contact the expert via live chat!